Why Spiritual & Faith-Based Coaching is Important for a Fulfilling Life

Why Spiritual & Faith-Based Coaching is Important for a Fulfilling Life
Posted on March 8th, 2023

As a Christian believer, I have experienced firsthand, the transformative power of Spiritual Healing & Interventions. Due to my personal experiences, I now infuse my style of coaching with FAITH - faith in the possibility of these supernatural healing and encounters for whoever will believe! I call this method of coaching, Spiritual & Faith-based Coaching.

Coaching in itself is an intervention that opens up the mind and spirit to New Information....for Change...for Transformation. But when the influence for that Change comes from the realm of the supernatural by faith, there is no limit to what could happen in the life of the recipient - whether they are a child, or an adult.

Spiritual & Faith-based Coaching is guided by the provisions of the Holy Bible and this means that both the Coach and the Participant (Client) accept to yield themselves up to these provisions or spiritual laws that guide the course of life. Submission to God's Spiritual Laws and Promises gives Him - God, the permission to intervene in your affairs, as the the Source of the Greatest Power in the Universe! It does not matter what you're dealing with, what matters is whether or not you believe in Him, and in the Power of His Word to bring about the Change that no one else can deliver to your life and circumstances. 

This method of coaching introduces you to a unique approach that combines traditional coaching techniques with the principles of faith. It helps you align your values, beliefs, and actions with God's plan for your life. It is grounded in the truth that: God has a Purpose and a Plan for your life. And by seeking His guidance and direction, you become empowered to unlock your full potential and achieve the greatest success that is set before you.

With my Spiritual & Faith-based Coaching, you are ready to begin your real life's journey by aligning yourself with God's Divine Plan - whether you're 15 or 50.


If you are interested in learning more about my coaching services, reach out now at hello@coachlara.com or book a free Exploratory Call here: calendly.com/coachlara

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I support women dealing with chronic health challenges and families who need help raising their children. I empower youths to discover their authentic selves and live life with Clarity, Direction and Purpose. I provide Spiritual and Emotional guidance to help teenagers transition safely into adulthood. Families who work with me achieve improved levels of communication and understanding with their children and are able to build stronger relationships.

I am a Spirituality Coach, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit!
If you're ready to get the help you need, go ahead and leave me a message and I will get back with you ASAP. Together We WIN!!

I will Coach, Mentor and Guide, but ultimately, your results will depend on your willingness to GET UP!