
Meeting Coach Lara has indeed been a transformative journey for me. From my first encounter with her, she represented a living example of many aspects of the person I envisioned in my future. She soon became and has continued to be, my Coach and Mentor. Through her life and mentoring, I have seen immense transformation in my personal growth, career progression, my leadership, my wellness and most importantly my life’s mission. I am very fortunate to have met Coach Lara and she remains a truly valued asset in my life.

Isioma L.O (HR Executive)

Meeting Coach Lara has indeed been a transformative journey for me. From my first encounter with her, she represented a living example of many aspects of the person I envisioned in my future. She soon became and has continued to be, my Coach and Mentor. Through her life and mentoring, I have seen immense transformation in my personal growth, career progression, my leadership, my wellness and most importantly my life’s mission. I am very fortunate to have met Coach Lara and she remains a truly valued asset in my life.

Isioma L.O (HR Executive)

I went into the mastermind group confused and wondering how I will be able to handle all the responsibilities I will be facing in my new role. By the end of the first day in the Mastermind group, I knew I was in the right place. The Mastermind helped me to be more intentional and to start a Personal Growth Plan. It enabled me to look at my schedule and work habits which led me to re-organize my time. I am better at being consistent and I am more reflective of my actions and those of others. According to Kevin Turner- "The only job security we have is our individual commitment to personal growth".

Thank you Coach Lara - I continue to grow daily

Bukola O. (School Teacher)

I went into the mastermind group confused and wondering how I will be able to handle all the responsibilities I will be facing in my new role. By the end of the first day in the Mastermind group, I knew I was in the right place. The Mastermind helped me to be more intentional and to start a Personal Growth Plan. It enabled me to look at my schedule and work habits which led me to re-organize my time. I am better at being consistent and I am more reflective of my actions and those of others. According to Kevin Turner- "The only job security we have is our individual commitment to personal growth".

Thank you Coach Lara - I continue to grow daily

Bukola O. (School Teacher)