BTLH - For African Students in the Diaspora

BTLH - For African Students in the Diaspora

We prepare or children academically to study outside of their countries of origin. In fact African students are known to excel in schools and colleges all over the world. For most African families, a good legacy means "the best education money can buy" in countries like: USA, Canada, UK and France. Sadly, we often forget to prepare them emotionally, psychologically and spiritually - for the cultural shock we're throwing them into. While it was easier to cope in the past, this 21st century is bedeviled with strange and rapid changes - in cultures, language, beliefs, false ideologies and pervasive lifestyles, all of which leave many young people and especially African students, constantly confused and emotionally stressed.
BTLH is designed to help your student prepare before they leave the comfort of their homes and cultures; to support to get acclimated emotionally and spiritually into their new environment; to help them adapt without feeling the need to change who they are or what they believe in. BTLH is delivered in a group setting to encourage peer-mentoring and support that will last long after the program. It prepares your child for what to expect and help them own their own unashamedly, wherever they go. 

We are Africans, and our children should never feel pressured to be anything less!

Register Here: BTLH

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I support women dealing with chronic health challenges and families who need help raising their children. I empower youths to discover their authentic selves and live life with Clarity, Direction and Purpose. I provide Spiritual and Emotional guidance to help teenagers transition safely into adulthood. Families who work with me achieve improved levels of communication and understanding with their children and are able to build stronger relationships.

I am a Spirituality Coach, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit!
If you're ready to get the help you need, go ahead and leave me a message and I will get back with you ASAP. Together We WIN!!

I will Coach, Mentor and Guide, but ultimately, your results will depend on your willingness to GET UP!